Wednesday, February 26, 2014

think spring!

Here in the upper Midwest, spring feels like it will be a long time arriving. Those of you who know me are well aware of how much I love winter and snow. But we have reached the end of February and the two warm days last week completely ruined me for the cold weather. I am ready for open windows and fresh breezes.

Spring is not my favourite season, I will admit. But my green thumb is itching and I decided on this frigid morning to write a list of things that I like about the green season. :)

  • Early spring brings crisp breezes and a hint of warmer air.
  • The house at last can be opened up and fresh air washes away the feel of being closed-up.
  • Spring rains smell of sweet new life.
  • The cold ice-melt running in the creeks and rivers.
  • Sunshine before 7 A.M.
  • Baseball season!
  • Did I mention open windows?
  • Taking early morning walks before the world is fully awake.
  • Taking evening walks with my hubby when the sun is setting.
  • Sitting outside with my coffee and a book as the sunshine reaches the deck in the morning.
  • Practicing yoga outside on the deck instead of inside where my cats attempt to sleep on top of me while I am posing. :P
  • The feeling of being able to eat lighter fare and be satisfied.
  • Wearing just a hoodie and being warm.
  • Oh yeah, open windows.

So you can see that I really want to open the windows and get the fresh air into my house. I feel so much more invigorated when I am in the fresh air, but when the temperature is hovering somewhere around zero or below....that just plain hurts.

I have some great ideas for the blog, but a few of them involve the great outdoors, per the weather here in beautiful Wisconsin, they will have to wait. In the meantime, I found a fantastic sewing shop in downtown Plymouth that has pretty much only cotton fabrics for quilting but that would make some fantastic dresses and skirts! So stay tuned...once I dig out my sewing machine...

Monday, February 24, 2014

snapshots into my life

 Since getting my iPhone, I have taken more pictures than I had previously. I just love the camera and the apps available. So, since I can't seem to find anything to write about, here is an update-ish on my pictures!
fashionable cooking!

Victoria being my baby

Wilhelmina has an obsession with bubbles

favourite thing to do with my hubby

look, I have purple hair!!

it's seriously awesome

I love it
this is what I do on Friday nights sometimes. Victoria clearly wants my lollipop